Regional Sales Team

Feel free to contact your Vespoli representative with any questions. Our sales representatives cover five regions in the U.S. and five international regions. We attend hundreds of rowing events annually, offering our customers on-site service and repair when they need it most. Our sales team also prides itself on visiting our local boathouses to provide current and potential customers door-to-door service, tips, and techniques tailored to their success.

Jeff Border, Sales Manager


Jeff has been with the company since 2008 and was promoted to Sales Mgr in 2023. He began rowing in 1988 at St. Joe’s Collegiate Institute in Buffalo, New York. Easily the worst rower on the team, he was in better shape the following fall, earning the Doc Shaub Award as best high school oarsmen at West Side Rowing Club by senior year. After rowing throughout college, Jeff launched his coaching career, bringing a novice team to gold at the Head of the Hooch his first year. As Vespoli’s long time Southeast rep, Jeff has become a trusted advisor to all the regional programs. He and his lovely wife Kelly have two boys, Holden and Knox, in Orlando, Florida.

Brendan Murphy

Northeast Account Manager
CT, ME, MA, NH, NY (not Long Island), RI, VT


And we welcome Brendan Murphy as our new Northeast rep. Fresh off a coaching stint at Marietta College, Brendan joined up in late August and is ready to hit the ground running. We’re excited to have him on-board!

John Monaghan

Mid-Atlantic Account Manager
DE, MD, NJ, Long Island, Eastern and Central PA, VA


John began rowing at LaSalle College High School in Philadelphia, continuing with crew as an undergraduate at LaSalle University and as a Masters rower. His older sons began rowing in high school, sparking John’s involvement with Junior rowing and regatta operations. He coached at Radnor High School and Philadelphia Adaptive Rowing and has served as Vice President of the Philadelphia Scholastic Rowing Association. John remains an avid Masters rower and loves to race. When he’s not on the river, he enjoys skiing, snowboarding, and boating at the Jersey Shore. John, his wife, and their three sons reside in Wayne, Pennsylvania

Gary Marra

Southeast Account Manager
Al, AR, CO, GA, FL, KY, LA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX


Gary started rowing at Tampa Catholic High School and went on to row for Stetson University. He has ten years of coaching experience at programs throughout Florida as well the University of Georgia and University of Rochester. Outside of coaching, he has worked as a Firefighter/EMT and real estate agent. Gary is based out of Melbourne, FL where he enjoys rowing on the Intracoastal Waterway.

Jon Rost

Midwest Account Manager
IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, Western PA, SD, WI, WV


Our Midwest rep, Jon, is another Buffalo native. He started rowing in 2003 at Canisius High School and the West Side Rowing Club. From there, he went to John Carroll University rowing and playing hockey. After graduating in 2011, Jon returned to Canisius and started coaching. After 6 years coaching high school and juniors he moved onto Colgate University as an assistant and then to Mercyhurst university as the heavyweight men’s head coach for 6 years. Vespoli welcomed him aboard in 2023.  

Sales Manager, Jeff Border

West Coast Account Manager


This position is currently open. Jeff Border, Sales Mgr is currently handling all calls. Thanks.